

We protect your privacy during your use of service.  We comply with all relevant laws on the protection of personal data:

By Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27th, 2016, on the protection  of individuals about the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing regulations 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation);

The Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means ([Journal of Laws] No. 144, Item 1204, as amended);

Regulation of the Minister for Interior and Administration of  December 29th, 2004, on the documentation of personal data, and technical and organizational conditions, which shall be met by devices and IT systems used for the processing of personal data ([Journal of Laws] No. 100, Item 1204);

We also protect your data using equipment and security means of the top quality.  Below presented statements are to inform about data we collect during your use of our service, about the way the data is used, corrected or deleted, and they define the rules of storing and access to the data on your device (computer, laptop, smartphone, etc.) with the use of Cookies for the implementation of electronic services requested by the User, by Szkółka Krzewów Ozdobnych mgr inż. Aleksander Walaszczyk mgr inż. Marcin Walaszczyk ul. Architektów 88 43-346 Bielsko-Biała, which accounts for the realization of the information obligations resulting from Article 173, Article 174 and Article 209 of Telecommunications Law Act ([Journal of Laws]  Item 1445; Dec 21st, 2012).


Information about the Administrator of Data

This Privacy and Cookies Policy describes and defines data collected from the User of the service  hereinafter referred to as the “Service”, belongs to Szkółka Krzewów Ozdobnych mgr inż. Aleksander Walaszczyk mgr inż. Marcin Walaszczyk ul. Architektów 88 43-346 Bielsko-Biała.


The Data Administrator  is Szkółka Krzewów Ozdobnych mgr inż. Aleksander Walaszczyk mgr inż. Marcin Walaszczyk ul. Architektów 88 43-346 Bielsko-Biała hereinafter referred to as “Service” or Administrator.

Information on the range of data collected by the Administrator and on the range of its use, the rights of the User

During the visit of a User to our Service, our servers automatically save so-called system logs - anonymous information such as: time of visit of the Customer, IP address, URL address, information on the User's browser, URL of the previously visited webpage (so-called: referent link, if the user was directed to our Service via a link), etc. Collected logs are  preserved for an indefinite period as background material for administering the service. The information included there is not revealed to anyone besides the persons authorized to administering the server and the service. 

Service also collects anonymous data on the visited pages such as number of visits, country, browser, time of visit, etc. The collected data is analyzed with the use of an external provider, Google Analytics. The tool is based on Cookies and does not give access to the data enabling to identify a person. The details of the Cookies Policy of Google Analytics are available on

Service may use the "Share " function which makes it possible to send information about our web pages to social services (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or our e-mail address. It is based on the "Add This" service. Detailed rules of the privacy policy of this service are available on:

Service may use the function of Google Analytics, which has been implemented based on display advertisements (e.g. remarketing, reports of displays in the Google advertising net, integration of the DoubleClick Campaign Manager or reports of interests and demographic data of Google Analytics). Users may resign from Google Analytics service for display advertising and adjust advertisements in the Google advertising network with the use of Settings of ads  We also encourage you to visit the page with currently available tools for blocking Google Analytics Service and external providers, including Google, use their Cookies (e.g. Google Analytics) and Cookies of external companies (e.g. DoubleClick) to inform about advertisements and to optimize them and to display them based on the visit history of the Users of   

 While contacting with the contact form, in case of subscription of our newsletter or another system message, a Customer may provide the following data: phone number, e-mail address, address, name and surname etc., and other personal data, id est: date of birth, age, gender etc. the data may be used by the Administrator for statistics, for behavioral research and also - if the User agrees - for commercial purposes of the company. 

Furthermore, occasionally, through surveys sent by electronic mail or shared directly in the service, the Service may collect demographic and profile data (such as qualifications, age, salary) from Users.  The data is used to carry out research of the Users' preferences and to adjust the offer of the Service to their expectations. Revealing the data is always free, and the User may resign from being sent surveys at any time, in the manner defined at each time in the survey sent to them (e.g in the message footers).

All the commercial content concerning the commercial activity of the Service and its contractors may be transferred to Users only upon their consent, in accordance with the article 10 of the Regulation of July 18th, 2002, on provision of services by electronic means ([Journal of Laws] 2002 , No. 144, Item 1204,  as amended). The consent in this matter is cancellable. 

The Customer providing the Service with their data named in points 5. and 6. It expresses his/her consent to have the data transferred, stored and processed (by the applicable laws of the Act on personal data protection of August 29th, 1997) by the Service. Providing their data, the User simultaneously declares being familiar with the "Privacy and Cookies Policy"  mandatory in our Service.

Personal data is not shared with other entities for marketing purposes, unless the User agrees. Providing any personal data is free. Collected information, which does not enable identification of a certain person, the Service may share publicly or to partners, such as publishers, advertisers and entities servicing connected sites.

In the event of a takeover or merger, or sale of its assets, we shall ensure confidentiality of any personal information and we shall notify the appropriate Users before their data is transferred or undergo another privacy policy.

User has the possibility to decide about the range of the use of his/her data.

User has the right  to supplement, update or correct personal data, as well as to temporary or permanent stoppage of data processing, or a removal of the data if it is incomplete,   outdated, untrue or collected with the violation of the Act, or in case it is no longer required for the purpose for which it has been collected, and the right to raise an objection in cases specified in the article 23, Act 1, item 5  of the Act on personal data protection, when the Administrator intends to process the data of the User for marketing purposes or to pass it to another data administrator.

Any changes to the personal data may be done by sending the proper declaration of intent to the address of the Administrator

The administrator reserves the right to refuse to delete the data of the User if its storage is necessary for the implementation of claims or if it is  required by applicable law.

In case of an inspection conducted by the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection, your data can be made available to the inspectors by the Act on personal data protection.

The use of cookies   - and similar technologies - and the possibility of their deactivation

Service uses Cookies. They identify a browser and facilitate the work of the service. Cookies do not contain any personal data. Service can also use an anonymous identifier, which is a random string of signs used for the same purpose as the Cookies on the platforms using some of mobile devices, where Cookies technology is not applicable.


In the browser's settings, the option of rejection of Cookies can be chosen, however, some functions of the Service may then not work properly. No change in these Settings means acceptance for the applied Cookies.

Third-party services, whose materials or links can be in the Service (e.g. Vimeo, YouTube) also may use the Cookies which enable logging in or are to provide advertisements suit, able for the users' preferences and behaviors.  In such a case, the Service recommends familiarizing itself with the privacy policy of the destination services. The hereby policy does not regulate the rules of using the cookies by third parties.  

The Administrator reserves the right to use the services of third parties for making statistics of the use of the Service. We assure that in that case no data identifying the Users shall be shared with third parties. 

In the advertisements appearing on the sites of our Service, third parties' Cookies, whose purpose is to enable the analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaign can be used.


What are Cookies? 


Cookies are small text files stored in the users' devices, id est: smartphones, laptops, computer and all the other devices used for internet browsing.  Cookie contains information about the website visited by the user, the period of "life", which means the time of the Cookie's existence and the unique number of the browser.

What are Cookies used for?

Cookies are used for adjusting the content of websites (e.g. the content of the advertisements)  to the user's preferences  and to advance the work and use of the internet. Cookies are also used to collect statistical and bahavioral data of the users of the site. The data is not used for identifying the user.

Do Cookies contain personal data?

Yes. However they may be used only for the purpose of performing some functions for the user. Such data is encoded in the manner of making the access for unauthorised persons impossible. 

What kind of Cookies does the Service use?

Two kinds of Cookies are used : temporary (they exist till the moment of logging out of the website or switching of the software [internet browser]) and permanent (they remain in cookies parametres for some definite time or to manual removing by the user).  Third parties (like Facebook)  also have their own Cookies; the details of privacy policy of the partners' Cookies may be found on their websites. 

How to delete or/and block Cookies?

Browsers by default allow for putting up Cookies. However, the settings may be changed at any time. Limiting the use of Cookies, or blocking them, may affect some functionalities of the Service. All the operations of removing or blocking services in browsers should be done carefully as they may lead to deleting websites added in tabs' favourite', accessibility issues of the following type: automatic logging, saving the login/password, etc.

Deleting and blocking Cookies in Google Chrome: click on 'Settings' , then ' Show advanced settings', and then in the   'Privacy'  section, click on "Content settings'. In a new window which will appear we choose the option  'Block attempts of putting up data from sites in the computer' . We press 'All cookies and site data' and in the open window click 'Delete all'.


Microsoft Internet Explorer: To block cookies, choose 'Tools', then 'Internet options' , then tab 'Privacy' , and then 'Advanced'. In the new window select ''Ignore the automatic parameters' and then select twice the option 'Delete Cookies and confirm by pressing 'OK'. To remove the previously saved cookies, select: 'Tools', then 'Internet Options' and in the option ' Browsing History' click 'Delete...'. Next, select the option 'Save data of favorite WebSites' and 'Cookies' and click 'Delete'. 

 Mozilla Firefox: To delete Cookies select 'Tools', then 'Options' and the tab 'Privacy'. There select the option 'Firefox will use the User's Setting" and below we unselect the option 'Accept Cookies'. Confirm by pressing 'OK'. To delete the saved Cookies: select 'Tools' and 'Delete browsing history'. Select the time for deleting: 'all' and the option 'Cookies'. Confirm by pressing 'OK'.

In Opera browser - to block Cookies: In the menu select 'Settings', then 'Preferences...', there 'Advanced' and 'Cookies'. Out of the available options, select ' Never accept cookies' and click 'OK'. To delete the saved Cookies: In the menu select 'Settings', then 'Preferences..' and there 'Advanced' and 'Cookies' . Next click ' Manage Cookies' and in the new window click 'Delete' for every item.

 In Safari browser select 'Preferences' and click the icon 'Safety'. Here choose the level of safety in the area 'Accept Cookies'.

 In the browsers of mobile devices: The function of Cookies may be different in various models of phones or mobile devices. Therefore it is recommended to familiarize yourself with options of privacy on the website of the producer of your mobile device.

What are Anonymous Identifiers and what is their function?

To display advertisements in services where Cookies may not work (e.g. in applications on mobile devices) the Service may use anonymous identifiers. An anonymous identifier is a random string of signs used for the same purpose as Cookies on the platforms active in some mobile devices, where the technology of Cookies is not supported.

They have a similar functions as Cookies.

How to manage Anonymous Identifiers?

 Each model of a phone may support the function in a different manner. Therefore it is recommended to familiarize yourself with options of privacy on the website of the producer of your mobile device.

Changes in the privacy policy, contact, and final agreements.

The service reserves a possibility of improper work of website or lack of possibility to use some of functionalities of the Service by a customer who has deleted and/or switched off Cookies.

The communication between a Customer's computer and our server is encoded with the use of special, safe protocol. Additionally, our database is safeguarded against third parties.

We reserve the right to change the above privacy policy through the publication of the new version of the privacy policy on this site.

Should you have any queries concerning this privacy protection policy, the practices employed on the website, or , have any objections to the provisions of the hereby privacy policy and Cookies policy, please contact the Administrator. 

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